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PIP Benefits

Tampa Bay – Brandon Florida PIP Attorney

Tampa Bay – Brandon Florida Personal Injury Protection Benefits Lawyer

Having trouble getting the insurance company to pay the proper PIP benefits? A PIP lawyer from The Lawler Firm can help.

Florida is a No-Fault state. This means that regardless of whose fault an accident was, your own insurance must pay for your medical treatment, lost wages, and other benefits, known as Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) benefits.

The laws and regulations governing payment of Personal Injury Protection benefits are numerous and confusing. Many times, insurance companies use interpretations of these laws to reduce or deny bills or otherwise withhold payments – many times wrongfully so.

If you are the injured person, your insurance company’s failure to properly pay Personal Injury Protection benefits may result in your medical providers seeking collection from you. If you are unable to pay, it could have negative results on your credit. Some medical providers may stop treating you because of lack of payment.

If you are a medical provider, many Personal Injury Protection insurers will reduce reimbursement amounts, downcode your bills, claim you failed to properly fill out a form, or simply ignore your bills for months. Obviously, this can have a severe impact on your practice. Although improper reductions and denials may appear to be small on an individual basis, they add up over the long run.

I can help! As an experienced Personal Injury Protection lawyer, I can review your billing submissions, explanations of benefits from the insurance company, and other relevant facts to determine if additional PIP benefits are due. I am knowledgeable and experienced in the complex world of Personal Injury Protection, and can help get you all of the benefits you are entitled to. Call Now (813) 413-8828!