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The Lawler Firm is dedicated to helping personal injury victims in Brandon, Tampa, and the Florida Suncoast. I will fight diligently to see that you are fully compensated for car accident injuries such as whiplash and harm to the head or spine. The Lawler Firm is committed to protecting your rights and helping you obtain the compensation you deserve.

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is an injury caused by a sudden jerk of the head. Whiplash occurs most frequently as a result of a car accident, when the victim’s head abruptly juts forward or backward, beyond the neck’s normal range of motion. In most cases, X-rays cannot detect soft tissue damage to the fragile disks, muscles, and ligaments that make up the neck. Further tests like CT scans or MRIs may be required to properly diagnose the injury. Currently, there is no proven cure for whiplash. Patients may have to wear a cervical neck collar or take medication to alleviate pain.

How to Recognize Whiplash

Symptoms may be latent or delayed for 24 hours or longer after the initial trauma. The victim may therefore feel nothing at the scene of a car accident, but develop symptoms later. Although clues of the injury may vary among individuals, common symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Headaches, migraines
  • Lower back, shoulder pain
  • Soreness, stiffness in the neck
  • Pain, numbness in arm or hand
  • Dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision
  • Diminished concentration, memory
  • Irritability, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue

If you were in a car accident, it is important to remain still if you feel any discomfort in the neck. Any forced motion or manipulation may further exacerbate the injury and impair healing.

Whiplash Caused by Car Accidents

The leading cause of whiplash injury is a rear-end collision. Whether the accident involves a single car or multiple vehicles, there is usually at least one driver at fault. Rear-end collisions are almost always caused by negligent driving. Negligent driving often involves:

  • Intoxication
  • Tailgating, speeding
  • Sudden lane changes
  • Failure to pay attention
  • Inadequate braking distance
  • Cell phone use, other distractions
  • Product defect (brakes, floor mats)
  • Diminished visibility, inclement weather
  • Poor road construction, other driving hazards

If negligent driving causes a rear-end collision resulting in whiplash, the negligent motorist is liable for the injury. The victim is entitled to compensation for any medical expenses, lost income, and other damages arising out of the accident.

Liability for Car Accidents Resulting in Whiplash

Florida’s “no-fault” insurance policy protects drivers from liability in the event of a crash. This provides the bare minimum coverage for injuries caused by a rear-end collision, regardless of fault. What most drivers fail to grasp is that the legal minimum is rarely sufficient to cover all costs. That is why most car accident attorneys suggest purchasing personal injury protection to supplement your insurance. Otherwise, even if the insurance company pays up to the policy limit, you may still be liable for out-of-pocket costs. No fault policies tend to curb legal action but enhance medical and income-replacement benefits. But if the policy limit does not fully cover your injury, filing a personal injury claim may be necessary.

Consult a Florida Personal Injury Attorney for Help

If you are suffering from whiplash or similar injuries caused by a negligent driving, the Lawler Firm can help. I will aggressively pursue your claim at no up-front cost to you, and you pay nothing unless you win your case. I will diligently investigate the accident and find the parties liable for your injury. Rather than trying to haggle with agents yourself, let me handle insurance adjusters on your behalf. I am committed to protecting your rights and maximizing your recovery at trial or through settlement. Located in Brandon, the Lawler Firm provides stellar legal representation to personal injury victims throughout Tampa Bay. Call now. (813) 413-8828. Free Consultation.